I'm waiting for Mr. Lime to return from the airport with our friends. In the meantime.....
These are just some fun things I've found around the interwebs that make me smile.
This one is from PostSecret.com. I quite agree. Let's not politicize the holidays. Let's just celebrate them.
This is the kind of senior citizen I intend to be. Who's with me?
Suldog will especially like this one.
This is like...so wrong, you know. (but perversely funny)
If I got this tree I'd consider that the gift! Actually, I probably have enough books in my to read pile to build this myself. Maybe I should do that next year.
Here is a video I have posted in past years but it still makes me giggle every time I watch it.
Have a Merry Festivus. I'm compiling my annual Festivus list of grievances, while watching Seinfeld reruns.
Do you still have to stand during the Hallelujah Chorus?
Great gifts here today.
Yes, I am with you... that just the sort of old gal I'd like to be.
Fruitcake Power!
God bless the seniors. Anyone who tries to bring joy into the lives of others is aces in my book.
The Twilight parody thingie is a HOOT!
Heh, heh. That Kristen Stewart vid isn't too far off from what my seventh graders came up with.
"And then baby Jesus saw his own shadow... and that's why we have winter." Lmao.
word veri: expanic. now there's a sniglet waiting to happen.
See, if the monks were truly silent, they'd raise the cards without the recording, now wouldn't they?
And 'perversely funny' is about right. I'm still trying to figure out how Pocahontas fits into it. . .
And yeah; we have the opportunity to learn about each other, on a level we live at. But we'd rather just not offend anyone. . . Pretty lame, when you think about it. . .
OMG.. I love the Kristen Stewart video.. lol.
Enjoy your guests, Lime dear. I know you will. :)
There are folks at my doctor's office from different religions. They wished me a "Merry Christmas." I was delighted that it wasn't a safe "Happy Holidays," but I certainly would not have been offended at that. It was especially cool when the Muslim lady said Merry Christmas. They're super-cool.
I love that note on the top. Perfect! :)
I posted that Hallelujah Chorus video too. Love that. :)
The pretend Kristin Stewart thing was really funny. And at the risk of sounding utterly Grinchy - while I adore flash mobs and love the idea of being in one, if I also utterly lose my ability to dance when I get old, I think I'm opting out.
Haha, happy holidays! :-D Love the tree!
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