I didn't post much last week because it has been a very full many days. First I sent Mr. Lime and the girls off to Georgia to see his mother. Then I sent Isaac off with this crew who will be spending two weeks in Arizona on a Navajo reservation. Isaac is that giant in the back row. Lord have mercy, I'm going to miss him but my grocery bill will be significantly reduced while he is gone.

Then I went to visit my dad who turns 70 this week. He invited my brother and me for dinner (refused to let us pay) to celebrate. I suggested since no pictures exist of the three of us together as adults (except a very strained photo from my wedding when various tensions were at their height) it might be a nice way to mark the milestone. He agreed and I talked him into posing solo so I could "adjust my camera settings and get the tripod ready."

Here's the best one of the lot. My brother is almost smiling. My dad is genuinely smiling...because his hidden hand is reaching back and poking me in the ribs as I dashed in to get ready for the timer to go off.

I also visited my mom and strolled around her garden. She's has an official Monarch Way Station in her yard. Here's a milkweed from it.

And a....um...
Liatris...I think. I was kind of pleased by the accidental bokeh I achieved.

Finally, I went out Saturday night to celebrate a coworker's milestone birthday. She wanted all of us to join her for a latin experience at her favorite club.

Yes, I helped close the place down. Danced my first and second and third merengues, salsas, and bachatas. I would have to say those are listed in order of difficulty. I was ok while my friend or her daughter were teaching me because they kept the steps pretty simple. When they got more complicated I was lost in the machata but watching couples who knew what they were doing was lovely. Here I am engaging in what is known as a Trini wine (for this song I was not the one being led to the floor I did the leading, hehehehe). No footwork needed. It's almost entirely pelvic....and that's all I'm gonna say on
A good time was had by all.
Now if you'll excuse me I have discovered the merengue is a helluva workout. My thighs need some ice packs and ben-gay.
Gettin' old is such a PITA, eh?
Wow, you got the whole house t'yerself? I'm so envious. . .
An' the mischief in yer dad's face is all too evident.
Happy milestone birthdays all around. . .
Good times for Lime! Nice to catch up on your events. I'm envious of your son's experience. What part of AZ is the reservation?
Send 'em off and have a good ole time. Your Dad has the sweetest face.
craig, dad was surprisingly impish. don't be too envious about my time alone. it was mostly spent cleaning before i went away for a couple days.
bijoux, they will be in window rock
tabor, good ole time accomplished ;)
was that like...Moms Gone Wild or something???? Kewl family fotos....
Then I went to visit my dad who turns 70...
I hope I like half as good as him when I am 70.
cooper, well my dancing partner did give me some extra beads after the winin' LOL
beach bum, he'd tell you with a wry smile it's all the "good, clean living" he's done.
Dad looks damned good for 70. Not given his age, I would have guessed much younger.
Oh yes, your dad does indeed look far younger than his years. And of course he's passed those genes on to his daughter. Lovely photos one and all, Lime.
Ah, nice. I like the photo of the three of you, even if you brother is only almost smiling!
Wow, you have had a full week! I like that your dad is playful. Suldog is right, he looks much younger than 70!
I would not know how to do any Latin dancing. None. Or Trini for that matter, but I admit, the Trini one sounds like way more fun.
Great pics.
suldog, i can hardly believe myself that he is 70.
hilary, very kind of you to say but no genes were passed between dad and me. i'm adopted ;)
secret agent woman, it's the biggest grin he had in any of the shots.
silly rabbit, they were all fun as long as i had a patient teacher/partner.
Good that you got together with your Dad and Mum Michelle. At this age we don't all have much more time. Good photos - Dave
Well he sure taught you well. ;)
your dad looks great and so do you .. work it mama! back from my get-away and struggling to catch up .. hey!!!
dave, one of dad's comments at dinner was that he never thought he'd be around this long. i was surprised by that.\
hilary, thanks :)
daryl, oh i worked it indeed ;) welcome back.
Dunno if I should even say this, but your dad is hot.
OK, I'll quietly slink out of the room now...
haphazard, to each his own!
Oh, honey, I love dancing all night, too! What a blast for you...it almost made me forget what a massive hulk your son is. My, my. You grow 'em big, girl.
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