I don't have much to say. We've been doing storm prep even though we are inland because Irene brought us major flooding and high winds brought down many trees and we had power outages for a week. NYC and the NJ coast is already taking a hell of a pounding. We are expected to feel the brunt of Sandy in just a few hours. The acre we live on is quite heavily wooded so trees coming down is always our most immediate concern. Guess we'll see you all on the other side of the storm. Praying for those much closer to the coast than we are.
Just crazy how many people are 'in play' for this thing. . .
I'm not exactly sure where we are relative to Sandy, but they're predicting 20-foot waves on Lake Huron this evening. . .
You all just stay hunkered down. Prayers are on their way. . .
I shall keep my fingers crossed for you all...
Storm? What storm???
Hang tight and stay safe.
Prayers for you to ride it through safely.
Stay hunkered, I am too!
Just got the robocall from the superintendent that school is NOT closed tomorrow. Lol......lets hope this all blows over quickly.
Don't take any chances and stay safe. I hope you ride this out safely and without too much inconvenience.
Hell of thing to happen at the tail end of a "quiet" year.
Be safe and be well.
Stay warm and dry!
Best wishes for you and your family's safety Michelle. Please keep us in touch. That's a bad storm by all accounts - Dave
We felt its reach up here, last night. All seems okay this morning. I hope it's the same for you.
Like you needed something else to make your year a rousing success...
We were spared (for the most part) here in MA. There were some who were hit hard, along the coast, and a few trees went down and such, but mostly we escaped serious damage. Personally, the two of us were mostly unaffected, Thank God.
Here's hoping all is OK for you, also.
I hope things go well for you. Be safe. I look forward to hearing an update when you're ready.
Hope you -- and all around you -- is well...
Thinking of you!!! Hope you and your family are doing well.
We had wind and rain here in Indiana, the outer bands of the storm. I can't imagine what it is like on the east coast if it is this strong in the mid-west. Unbelievable storm!
Waiting for updates here. Fingers crossed you emerge unscathed.
Thinking of you and hoping all is well. Keep us posted when you can! Sending prayers your way!
hope you weathered the storm w/o damage ..
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