Monday, March 04, 2013

Boston by Proxy

Calypso has gone to Boston to nanny my cousin's son for a week or so while my cousin the chiropractor is going through some intense training for software allowing her to go paperless in patient records. 

Calypso has never been to Boston before and she is a brand newly licensed driver.  She drops my cousin and the boy off at work and school then drives back to the apartment for an exciting day of cleaning and cooking and errand running.  Today was her first day there.  She called me in freak-out mode after becoming very lost on the mile and a half trip back to the apartment.

A meme which has been distributed widely may explain why she got so lost.  The frustration of being in unfamiliar surroundings was augmented by the angst new drivers default to so easily.

She confirmed that she did in fact feel as if the city was flipping her the bird....and I don't mean Larry has taken up gymnastics in his retirement from basketball. As an aside, I vastly prefer getting around Boston because it's a short city as opposed to NYC which is very tall...meaning when I walk around Manhattan I feel like I am walking through canyons and not being able to see the sun is disorienting to me.  Boston feels more like walking around neighborhoods. 

She was nervous about having to find her way back in reverse when afternoon came around.  I suggested she google a map and take a walking tour noting landmarks and such so she'd feel more confident.

I am sure by the end of her time there Calypso will be feeling more confident but in the meantime this is the impression of the city which she posted on FaceBook.

Lessons and Observations in Boston:
1. Everybody drives a Prius.
2. Bicycle lanes are not for driving in. Oops.
3. If you smile to someone while walking, the best reaction you'll get is confusion. At worst, they'll walk as far away and as quickly as possible, and somewhere between the two is a grimace.

Being full of encouragement, I added in a comment, "4. There are few public toilets so don't take walking tours if you are very pregnant or have a small bladder."

Fortunately, Calypso is neither pregnant nor bladder impaired.


Leave It To Davis said...

I work at a hospital in health information management...and I image paper records...for 11 more months...and then I will be out of a job because of the electronic will just appear online with no paper at all. Amazing, but it will also put so many people out of work. Sad.

I also got lost today...but on a nature trail...totally and completely lost...and I cried. We had to climb a steep cliff to get back to where we came from. I feel for your cousin.

Anonymous said...

Boston is a great long as you don't try to drive around it on your own...

Hilary said...

She also has her mama's sense of humour. Good for her for taking this on. She'll do great.

Commander Zaius said...

I'll say a prayer. I still worry when my own son goes out on the interstate, especially since he went with his mother up to Richmond during Christmas and my wife did not let him drive more than ten miles on I-95.

Bijoux said...

Cities that don't have a grid system suck! I think if I worked 1.5 miles away, I'd be hoofing it.

Anonymous said...

Montreal is a lot like New York for the layout and Boston for the "lessons and observations" Except we all drive a Matrix.

(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

When GS and I were in Boston last August, our swell friend, Suldog, drove us back to our hotel after his softball game.
I'm still marveling at all the twists and turns.

stephen Hayes said...

I've never driven in Boston so thanks for the warning.

(M)ary said...

when I was 22 I had a roommate who dated a guy from Boston and she said Boston men don't like b.j's.....I find that hard to believe...basically I think she meant they were conservative in the sack

Bijoux said...

Ok.........hilarious comment by (M)ary! I guess they don't celebrate March 14 in Beantown?

Suldog said...

1 - I drive a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am named Roddy. Then again, I moved to Watertown about 17 years ago.

2 - If I can't drive in the bicycle lane, then the damn bicycle better not get into my lane, either.

3 - Yes.

4 - I could tell Calypso where all the public toilets are, but then I'd be shunned by my fellow Massholes. A great deal of our daily entertainment comes from watching tourists with full bladders trying to figure out where they can relieve themselves.

Suldog said...

Oh, yes, one more thing. I can only assume that (M)ary's roommate gave bad ones and the guys were trying to be kind to her :-)

Secret Agent Woman said...

Boston is a great city for walking, though. Hope she gets comfortable enough to enjoy the place.

Daryl said...

i remember very clearly my last visit to beantown and how my friend, a native, cussed and griped about how hard it was to get anywhere and how parking was impossible .. and how many streets go only one way so you end up driving round and round without getting anywhere

Unknown said...
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S said...

Some people would say, New Yorks a grid, Boston swings.....

Kat said...

Haha! Yes! I love Boston, but it is super confusing. I took a trip with my best friend and her family to Boston when we were in high school. My friend's father is a cop and is quite capable of getting around new cities but I do recall there being a fair amount of cussing going on. ;)

What a great experience Calypso!

Jocelyn said...

That is an awesome photo--a thousand words, indeed. This is a great week for her, one that will yield material for a lifetime.