Monday, July 22, 2013

What I've Been Up To

Good news!  The steri-strips are off and my neck didn't fall out!  Phew!!!  And I must say you all cracked me up with your wonderful scar stories.  Totally awesome laughs.  Thanks!

So the last couple of weeks I have been kind of scarce because I have been in Maryland continuing a lazy and gluttonous convalescence.  That all came to a screeching halt today because the prescribed diet to prepare me for the next step began today.  Gee, Lime, what's the diet consist of?  Well, let me tell you.

The aim is to starve my body of iodine so that any remaining cells suck up the radioactive version and then die, Die, DIE!  Thus I may not eat iodine rich foods.  Gee, Lime, you just need to avoid salt right?  Wrong.  For the next three weeks I may have no iodized salt or anything containing that, no dairy (up to and including butter) or anything containing dairy, no egg yolks or anything with egg yolks in it, no soy or soy products (which rules out all but one brand of chocolate I've found since all the others contain soy lecithin), absolutely nothing from the ocean (fish, sea salt, seaweed, and a set of things derived from seaweed meaning even my toothpaste is forbidden), no red dye #3, and commercial baked good whether bread, cakes, or other pastries (due to both salt and dough conditioners containing iodine).

 I warned my family that they were to bring no desserts into the house for three weeks.  So of course, on Day 1 Calypso brought eclairs and cannolis.  She seemed shocked by my less than positive reaction.

So who wants to come for dinner?  Of course, after two disgusting weeks of gluttony and sloth this diet should do more than merely starve my body of iodine.  I figure it ought to help me get rid of the beach earned extra poundage.  Most importantly, it's going to enable the radioactive stuff to more effectively demolish any remaining rogue cells hiding out thinking they can cause trouble later.  If Calypso thought I had a negative reaction to dessert these cells are going to have a whole different kind of whoop-ass unleashed upon them.


Bijoux said...

Now I'm wondering what can you eat? Salt is in e everything

Enjoy your fruits and vegetables?

Anonymous said...

It'd be quicker to say what you CAN eat... Fruits, veggies and grilled chicken breasts?

Jackie said...

Oh have very little left to eat, but I know that you can and will do this. Great big hugs to you as you do what you need to do and follow doctors' orders.

goatman said...

The non-dairy product "Silk" is a good substitute for milk. I am off dairy for 24 weeks and use it for cereal, coffee, etc. There is also supposed to be a non-dairy ice cream but haven't found that yet.

Good luck . . . . .

Leave It To Davis said...

Wow! Torture, pure torture! You're a better woman than I. I don't know if I could do it. I'll be praying for you and hoping that no one brings food in that will tempt you!

lime said...

bijoux, salt really is in everything. i was going to make curry and chili but the curry and chili powder i had both contained salt.

haphazard, exactly

jackie, right, it's only 3 weeks in the span of a long healthy life....

goatman, silk is a soy milk so it's out, no soy products. all the other dairy substitutes contain additives that are derived from seaweed or they contain salt. i have to make almond milk from scratch.

davis, you could do it if it mattered. and my daughter brought cannolis and eclairs home last night. i was not amused.

Commander Zaius said...

Got to admit, it seems like a near impossible task to avoid salt. My wife was on one of her health kicks a year or two ago and the first item she wanted to avoid was salt.

She did her research and almost all the favorite meals needed at least a little salt. Then there was the issue with ingredients for the meals that contained salt.

Hilary said...

It sounds nearly impossible but knowing you, it'll be quite doable. After you kick your daughter out, that is.

Hugs to you. You'll do great.

Suldog said...

Cancer is your BITCH.

Kat said...

Hmmm. I'm kind of at a loss for what you can eat, other than some fruit and veggies. I think that is about it, yes? Yipes.
I hope these next two weeks fly by!

And tell Calypso that she needs a good old fashioned spanking for bringing in those desserts. Sassy!

lime said...

beach bum, yep, pretty much i am making everything from scratch and using no condiments. homemade hummus was a two day process because i can't use canned beans (haven't found any salt free ones) so it's all dried beans.

hilary, i have been merciful with regard to the kid's residence ;)

suldog, it will be MY victim

kat, fresh veggies and fruits and meats. i can have bread if i make it myself and it doesn't contain forbidden ingredients. and matzo. i found matzo is ok.

Phyllis E said...

So, what else is there??????

Secret Agent Woman said...

This would be particularly hard for me since seafood is the only meat I eat. I'd have to learn to like beans and rice more, I guess. But fruits and veggies are cook. And on the other side of you you can celebrate with something like lobster and ice cream.

Daryl said...

it sounds to me like it would have been simpler to list the food you can eat ... that is really restrictive ...

Craver Vii said...

I never read labels, so I would probably have a panic attack or something. Just know that it is only for a short while. I would totally support you for the two weeks by eating the same thing... at least part of the time.

lime said...

phyllis, all fresh fruits, veggies, and some beans

secret agent, i find right now the thing i am most craving is cheese....terribly

daryl, bingo!

craver, like i told my cream and cakes are to be eaten not in this vicinity. if they need it go elsewhere and come back when they are done. but i appreciate the support. and since i cook dinner everyone gets what i am getting for that meal. hahahah.

Craig said...

So, you could eat fish from the Great Lakes, then? Unsalted, you know, as they are. . . ;)

If you like, I could send you some of the recipes from my diet. Lots of raw fruits & veggies, and chicken. I'll leave out the fish. . .

Is it OK to open up a can of whoop-ass, or do you have to use only raw, fresh whoop-ass?

~Tim said...

Hah! Craig's comment about the canned whoop-ass made me laugh. I can just picture you with the raw, fresh [not to mention organic and free range] whoop-ass.

Maybe Calypso thought the eclairs and cannolis were a meal, not dessert, so that made it okay....

lime said...

craig, since my husband fishes local freshwater we asked if i was allowed to have freshwater fish and they said no. if it swims it's prohibited. fortunately has a whole cookbook for ideas. it's just time consuming planning and executing. as for whoop ass, the fresher the better.

tim, you won't find any higher quality whoop ass than what we have available here at house of lime! calypso begged ignorance. she was unconvincing.

Dave said...

Haven't been to your blog for a while Michelle but it's good to see you being positive. I wish you the very best with your treatment, and avoiding iodine! - Dave