This is Lime on drugs (for a severely broken arm, post-surgery)

Any questions?
Diana took this just hours after I got home from my 3 day stint in the hospital. She thought it was quite funny how stoned I was.
If you want to see my cast and a cast of other injured characters check out the Hijackers.
If you have questions on how to play check the scrolling orange link in the sidebar.
Happy HNT
Yup, you're looking pretty gonzo in that pic. Hope you are doing better! Cheers ans Happy HNT!
BTW... Jimmy says "Hi".
Damn, I'm having a flash back now. Let's see, 1972, Sullivan County Community College, passed out under the coffee table next to someone that looked just like that. Wasn't you was it.
Get well soon love. :-)
Nice reference to a classic commercial. Continued wishes for a speedy recovery! (But you never lost your great sense of humour, which is cool) Happy HNT!
Awwww, you look so cute all stoned in that pic. HHNT!
Wow man, can I have some of what you're on? LOL HHNT Lime!
So...could you even count how many fingers you were holding up? ;) Happy HNT!!
You know what would take the attention off of that glazed look in your eyes? More boob ... definitely more boobage. Just saying. Get well soon doolface. Those glasses are sexy by the way. Love ya and HHNT.
Stoned or not ... you look great in glasses!!!
Happy HNT!!!
darling you look BRILLIANT! mad but brilliant. fabulous picture. and at least you weren't as off it as the bloke below*
happy hnt gorgeous and i really hope you feeel better soon,
i'll catch up more later and find out what the doc said- gotta rush now sweetie*
you do look a bit glazed, but am really glad you survived your fall from the zipline, and you have a wonderful family! HHNT!
Aw, I like my Lime with tequila rather than vicodin, but either way, I love me some LIME!
Take care, babe.
Ouch, Lime that looks painful. Stick with the drugs, I hope you feel better soon.
Happy HNT ;)
Three days??? It must have been serious! I hope you are feeling better!
Soory to hear about the arm, Lime. Although you do look nicely stoned :-)
Happy HNT x
Sorry about your arm.... and btw, your stoned look is a good one! LOL
Hope the drugs are still working! HHNT
It'll heal before you know it. Happy HNT!
Wow man that must be some good stuff man wow:-} woooohoooo!! man wow!!
Awh, poor baby. Hang in there.
You look pretty goof for having just come out of surgery. I love your hair by the way. Mine can't make up it's mind about whether it wants to be cury or straight!
hey stoned on drugs from a doctor for a broken arm is good. just like those drugs when i was giving birth - now that was good stuff.
Happy HNT, lovely.
Consider this a Virtual Cast signing. :) Happy HNT, hope you heal fast.
Peace ;) Happy HNT!
very good I'd say, wish I could pull that off :)
HHNT, hope all heals well fast!
Hope you are feeling better! HHNT!
You are still gorgeous.
Wow, I went back and read your story of how you broke your arm. It made me queasy and then it made me tear up. Gosh, I am so sorry this happened to you.
Best wishes for a quick and full recovery.
Happy HNT!
-one of the only times its cool to be stoned in front of your kids-
Peace (not Pieces!) and love & get better soon!!
Even stoned you are beautiful! Hope you are feeling a bit better every day. Happy HNT
Get well soon!!! Casts suck ass!! HHNT!!
You look so RELAXED! :-) HHNT !
::kisses Lime's arm:: hope that helps! I also read your story. If you don't live life to the fullest, you won't have these crazy stories to share.
Lime, read the story. I am so praying for a quick recovery for you. You look like your in pain, however, you also look like a happy medicated woman. Cheers to good drugs! Get better HHNT!
My best to you for a speedy recovery. HHNT!
Yeah. Peace. Cool.
Feel better sooner.
Get Better Soon.
Ah man! I thought the whole broken arm thing was a joke. That sucks. :(
Get well soon! (Or I should say I hope you get that cast off soon).
I wish I could look that good when healthy. Hope you feel better soon hon!
Oh wow Lime. I sure hope you're feeling better these days.
I commend you for posting that picture. I don't think I could post a picture of myself on painkillers after a freak painful accident online.
Still thinking of you.
You look really quite relaxed.
:-) I have a similar pic (or rather many) after my last stay in the hospital...everyone picked on me with glee I tell you!
I like your purple top:)
get BETTER soon!
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