The Surgeon General has determined that exposure to Lime can result in serious bodily injury, mental deficiency, emotional instability, simple chronic halitosis, sweaty palms, bad hair days, or a bad case of the heebie jeebies at the very least.
I dunno what the heck is going on but here at the House of Lime we've had our second person to fracture a bone in as many weeks. No, it was not due to zipline use or other death defying activities. Isaac slipped in the shower Sunday night and jammed his thumb pretty nicely. We iced it, gave him some Advil, let him stay home Monday since it was his dominant hand and he would have a hard time writing. We thought he'd be ok. It got more and more swollen so we had it checked out Tuesday night. Lo and behold, the kid has a hairline fracture and got splinted until he can see the orthopedist. Little League just started for him too and he's likely out for the season. I'm very disappointed for him but he is so far taking it like a trooper. Poor guy.

I'm not paranoid or a worrier by nature but I'm kinda lookin' over my shoulder now...
Oh man, you certainly do have a cloud over your head up there. Poor guy, right before summer! But this will pass.
awwwww, I hate to hear that . Just be careful , they say that bad luck runs in threes ! Have a good day !
Btw.. I am sorry I haven't commented lately but I have been busy , busy , busy. :)
That sucks, poor kid. The rest of the limes need to be careful , can't have all of you out : )
Bad things come in threes so I'm gonna let you borrow my massive uncontrollable allergy problems which leave me absolutely unable to function....that makes three!
Yesterday, no lie, I couldn't be at home cuz of the wind and pollen, so I went to our town square and within 10 minutes I felt better...and then passed out on a park bench just like an old bum, waking up with three minutes to spare to pick up Hannah...
If you are looking for me today, I'll be slumming in the mostly concrete park in town, perhaps I'll even peruse the trash cans while i'm at it for a snack!
Hope Zack is feeling ok, you gimpS!
Aw, man, that sucks, Thing One was in a cast last spring, no fun.
Sorry to hear it.
Still gonna dance on the line though!
You look over your shoulder babe. You should see me standing there cuz I got your back. Wha ...? NO I was NOT looking at your ass ... well maybe a little **blushes**
Thank you babe.
I think it's just Spring and the urge to bounce around in the season.
Hope both of you are doing better though.
BTW how is ... mmm (your arm does need a name) Janita? Figured Jimmy needed a sister somewhere. LOL!
When it rains it pours.
Poor kid!! Hope he's feeling better!!
We're still in the land of the broken collar bone - so V can attest to how "unfun" it is.
Aw, this is a sweet story.....Like mother like son. You must be very proud he is just like you and inherited your klutziness. ;)
OMG!! How many times does someone have to break their arm in order for you to pay off the MOB!?!?!?
Just pay them off already!!!!
Sorry about your son. Both of ya'll will be stoned together!
Get better!
oh good gravy woman!! we'll as if you didn't have enough to do...I've TAGGED you - come see me to figure out why, you can bash me over the head later ;)
I know a good ortho PA you could put on retainer :) Just kiddin', wishin' Isaac all the best.
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