Last week I showed my stoner self here and my casted self at Hijacked. Well, this week my son managed to break his thumb. Chip off the old block? Limelet not falling far from the tree (zipline)? Some sort of awful curse upon the House of Lime? I just don't know, but here we are gingerly holding wounded hands. Maybe next week I should have all the members of my household shown in Michelin Man type padding to protect us from further damage.
If you need to know how to safely play along click the scrolling link in the sidebar.
Happy HNT and be safe!
I love this pic! It has whimsy and is poignant all at the same time. Thanks for the honor of naming rights. Jimmy just waved a "Hey there" to Janita. :) Cheers and Happy HNT!
great pic! Seems the bone fairy has decided to stay at your house....You might want visitors to sign a waiver!?!?!?!?
hope you both continue to heal -- quickly!
Aw, poor Isaac, poor Limey,
get well soon, sweeties.
A plague on both your houses! All are punish-ed!
Oh what a priceless picture Lime! I hope you two are doing ok! HHNT guys!
A casted "i love you" at least you two can laugh about it. Happy HNT.
Against my better judgement, I'm going to comment here. (I'm really scared due to the "Lime Family" curse of bone breakage and all)
Nice boobage there Lime. :-)
Happy HNT!
absolutely priceless...
*~*Happy HNT*~*
How wild...HHNT!
Awwww! Happy HNT!
(love the pic....but YOUCH!!!)
Oh, I am sorry for both of your bad luck. He just didn't want you to feel so alone.
Hope you are feeling better...him too!
Happy HNT!
LOL Sorry about the thumb!
awww poor things, you have had your share haven't you, the michelin idea might be a good one :) HHNT!
Ah, as they say, misery loves company...I didn't think that's what "they" meant!
Lime, I'm coming over with the bubble wrap. You poor things. I'm sending a big hug.
Happy injured HNT sweetie ;)
Blimey. It gets worse! Wish you both better...
Happy HNT x
Hmmm, was toying with idea of fixing up a zip-wire in our wood (having seen pre -break pics of you clearly enjoying yourself on it)...buuuut maybe not! Sorry to hear about your son...wish you both a speedy recovery! HHNT!
Not "chip off the old block", but perhaps a "slice off the old lime" :)
Sorry to hear about the tragedy befalling your family - how about nobody leaves the house for a couple weeks, just to be safe?
Happy HNT!
awwwww! I hope you both have a good recovery ! I can't wait to see the family dressed in all that padding ! hehe Happy HNT!
LMAO @ "Michelin Man padding"...Get well soon and Happy HNT!
Wow, looks like you are going to have a rough summer
Hope everyone heals quickly
Happy HNT
You 2 are so cute! I'd like to see the look on his face though. "Mom, why do you want to take a picture of our hands?"
Protective padding sounds nice and safe.
Here's to a speedey recovery! HHNT!!
Wow what's going on over there at the house of lime??
funny, but not funny!!! Poor thumb and poor arm.
I broke my toe yesterday. No cast here though.
Healing vibes to all!!
Happy HNT!
awww....not funny.... but made a good post and HNT :)
Oy! Yes, the michelin man padding seems to be in order. HHNT! The cry goes out: Be Careful! :-)
Hope the limbs heal soon!
HHNT! =)
Aaaaaw! What a bunch of crazy adventurers. I hope everyone is feeling better soon; in the meantime, this could make for some good mother/son bonding.
bloomin eck!! you poor buggers.
lovely photo though.
what can i say, gecmis olsun again!
and happy hntish*
hey,,, nice cast(s)
HHNT or happy half-plastered thursday
Don't leave the house!
Oh wait. Don't most accidents happen inside the house?
Take care of yourself!
looks like there could be some sort of domestic abuse going on in the family or else you all are just accident prone lol
hope you both start feeling better
happy HNT
Good Gravy Girl!!!
This is terrible and totally not Politically Correct and all that jazz but erm, this pic reminds me of that ol joke:
2 thumbs up for war amps!!
Happy Safer HNT to you and the limelet!
Don't forget to put down a layer of Pillsbury doughboys on all hard surfaces. Speedy recoveries!
You all are taking the family togetherness thing to a bit of an extreme. I'm glad you are all taking care of each other, heal up well!
Happy HNT!
I have some bubble wrap here... maybe you could use some..???
Happy Hnt, Limerzzz!!
or... was this a ruse... to present another gerat HNT story?! ;) I have some catching up to do, reading-wise...
Missed reading you, Lime!
Ouch, sucky!
Hope you both heal up right-quick!
Happy HNT!
You could be a bubble family!!!
Happy HNT
Great photo, but I hope all your future themes are... healthier.
that sucks! can't believe you both managed to do that within a week. Happy HNT get better soon.
OUCH I hated it when I broke my ankle. HHNT
::kisses:: to you and your son.
Happy HNT!
How funny! Or not. :( Neat pic though and what a fun story to tell by the two of you later on. ;)
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