Yes, this is a very boring, not at all artistic picture. But it amuses me, so deal with it. Check those long fingernails. There's a whole hand full of them. I have been a lifelong nailbiter. As a kid, I always gnawed my nails to the quick. As an adult, I sort of go through cycles. Sometimes they grow, sometimes I bite them. Even when they grow, there's almost always a broken one because they are thin and brittle. Not being able to use my left hand or get it to my mouth for 7 weeks has resulted in a full hand of long nails. Quite bizarre. Whaddya think, should I let them grow long enough to challenge those swami guys in the Guinness Book of World Records? My right hand is as shabby looking as ever. Maybe I'll tell people I'm a left handed classical guitarist, hahahaha.
As a bonus you can see one of my 5 new scars there on my wrist. That's one of 2 where I had ligaments and tendons repaired.
Happy HNT!
Happy HNT!
I like them the way they are. Nice scar too! My best to Janita. Cheers and Happy HNT!
Looking good, Janita baby, you are marvelous!
They look great. Glad you are healing up so nicely! :)
Happy HNT!
I'm not sure why but I like this one too. Looking good dawling!
You and Janita are looking good. Seeing those perfect nails makes me want to bite them.
now just keep 'em out of yer mouth!
*snickers* now that would be interesting seeing you with those long ass world record nails!!!
LOL .. I wonder how long those will last!
I am the same exact way with my nails. Weird.
They look very nice!
The better to scratch my back with dear ... shall we? HHNT you gorgeous hunk of woman flesh.
I recently (well a few months ago) quite bitting mine too...just to see if I could,,,and they seem to be getting stronger and stronger as time goes on.
Happy non-bitting HNT!
Ack, it would take a cast for me to stop biting mine, too.
Glad you are out of your cast.
I din't even notice the scars till you mentioned them... I was admiring the beautiful nails!
I keep trying to grow mine, like you they are brittle and break at the bottom. Maybe we should just give in and have false ones.
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
Sorry you had to go through getting those scars. But you don't sound like a damaged person. "Waste chocolate", haha, a contradiction in terms. HHNT.
Great nails, but was it worth the cost.
Glad to see health is returning to the House of Lime. Happy HNT
Happy HNT!
Thise are some hot, hot fingernails:)
Happy HNT!
Great looking nails!!!
Know what you mean about nails, how is the arm working? Hope you are getting full use. Nails are pretty too :) HHNT!
Scars rock. HHNT
Keep them long but not swami like!
Happy HNT!
Yes, but think what a feast you're in for now ;-)
Happy HNT x
long thumb nails freak me out!
the other fingers look great! but, cut the thumb nail! (-:
speaking of which, my thumb nails are getting long. excuse me. gotta go take care of them!
Scars and fingernails. Who could ask for a better HNT?
No scars and swami nails!
Bad combo
Looking good right now though!
As a fellow semi-recovered nailbiter, I say HUZZAH! Good job. Long and twisty bad idea. I always wondered how those women with reallllly long Jersey nails (I'm from there so I can rag on them) did basic things like brush their hair out of their eyes or you know, wipe? without injuring themselves...
As for the scars- may I ask what exactly you had repaired? cause I've got a mean case (recurring) of DeQuervain's and it interferes with work and my new hobby, which is punching the hell out of a 70lb heavy bag. (Really satisfying!)
Anytime mine finally get long, I either bite them or break them. HHNT ;)
I could never stand for my nails to be that long. I've never been a nail biter, and thusly I have nails strong enough to lift Ford F-150 pickups. But I absolutely hate it when they get much longer than say, 1/8 of an inche beyond the finger they're on. I'm a nail trimming machine, some dsys!
Happy HNT!
I could never stand for my nails to be that long. I've never been a nail biter, and thusly I have nails strong enough to lift Ford F-150 pickups. But I absolutely hate it when they get much longer than say, 1/8 of an inche beyond the finger they're on. I'm a nail trimming machine, some dsys!
Happy HNT!
Ouch on having to have the surgery. You should keep the nails long enough to be pretty, but short enough to be able to wipe! Happy HNT!
i used to bite my fingers too!
but in my case, i always end up having toncilitis...hehe.
Holy shit look at the nails. Darling they look great but if your like me they will be gone in a week. So glad your arm is healing! Super Duper! HHNT!
The scar is great because it comes with a sweet story. As for the nails, I think you should treat yourself to a manicure :) Happy HNT
Sorry I missed it.
Fucking blogger!
Hmmmmmmm...so you're saying I may need major surgery to attain long nails? Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy them?
They do look beautiful, and the hand looks great!
I am just very glad you are getting beter!
Good to see you're healing. Happy HNT
eewww to WDKY's comment.
Doncha just love blogger??? grrr for not being able to post on Thurs.
glad to see Janita is healing so nicely.
You should paint the nails a nice pink or something. You know.. just because. LOL
I am so happy that you stopped biting...short nails make me sad :(
I am glad you are recovering well
your nails, your arm and hands look pretty darn good.
I find the long nails especially sexy...:)
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