Thursday, September 14, 2006

HNT-Chicks Only Dig Guys With Skills

Ok, I'm running out of my own skills so this week I will feature Limelet #3. On Tuesday I mentioned his love of all things creepy crawly. From before he even turned 3 he could catch a cricket or grasshopper by the back leg. I watched him do it several times and it amazed me how such a little guy could so patiently stalk a bug, sneak up on it from behind, and grab it so quickly, yet not hurt it. (We do catch and crawlies were harmed in the shooting of this HNT.)

So this week, I present Limelet #3's skilled hands. They're dirty, leave prints all over things, and nail-bitten (all of which just adds to their charm). They are also, gentle, helpful, and strong. My favorite is when he slips one hand in mine and we can trade the three squeezes that mean 'I love you.' He is always so happy to show me what he catches with them. How can I not enjoy that with him?


Happy HNT!


Anonymous said...

Those are such strong looking hands holding the insect so gently!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot.

S said...

Thats an excellent photo, Lime! I love the scratch on his finger, and his hands are probably dirty, and that's cool.
Bugs are cool when they are far away from me!


Logophile said...

The Things heartily approve of the activity and I heartily agree with your sentiment.
Nice picture!

Miss R said...

working hands that turn to velvet when he touches you (or at least when you get the three squeezes) wonderful! HHNT!

Phain said...

my boy does the same thing w/ lizards...amazing how something so gross can be so endearing.

Brown eyed girl said...

I love that secret three squeezes.."I love you".
Happy HNT!

Mark Leslie said...

Talented hands young limelet! And a wonderful mother's description of them. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

so freaking cool!! I love me some lime!!

Anonymous said...

It is a lovely shot, and it is amazing how well you can express your love for your son with your words, they are so beautiful too.

Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

Those hands are going to make some woman very happy some day. So cunning, and yet so gentle with the touch, is everything in a man's hands a woman could ask for.

Hypersonic said...

Extremely cool HNT. HHNT!

The Lily said...

AWww! Someone being nice to a bug makes me so happy!

Excellent shadow and lighting!


Stephanie said...

Now there's talent!!

How's he at catching frogs??

Anonymous said...

awww lime, I LOVE IT!!!! my first grin of the day!!! *you know why*

and I have a black thumb of death myself, LOL....frogs in the osh kosh, bugs in the little man will see me soon and he always brings rolly pollys.




Sexy Duet said...

Three squeezes for I love you - how adorable! Happy HNT


Breazy said...

That is so sweet . My family and I also do the hand holding three squeeze "I love you" , my husband actually started that when we were dating and we just passed it on to our kids . Happy HNT!

Roadkil said...

Looks like something my kids would drag in HHNT

Boysenberry said...

MissB does something similar with me. We'll be walking along, she'll grab my hand and give it a squeeze or two then let go :)

Happy HNT

Suze said...

Lime, 3 has a skill indeed. I always end up squashing bugs if I try catching them. Give him a little squeeze from me, the cutie.

Happy HNT to both of you ;)

Anonymous said...

next time there's a toad in my kitchen, i'm calling limelet #3. that is certainly some skill he's got there.

Princess PinkLady said...

Aww! HHNT!

Philip said...

I do the same squeeze thing with my grandmother.

Happy HNT

James Goodman said...

Write on! :D Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I love it!!


Leesa said...

Sounds lovely :)

AndyT13 said...

The biting of dirty fingernails is...well, say no more. But he's yours and he's fabulous so he can be forgiven. :-) Man I hates me some bugs. Yuck. I'm always the one who has to save the damsels from them, but if anyone knew the truth I wish someone would save ME from them. The bugs, not the damsels. HHNT!

Melissa said...

sorry lime, had to scroll past the pic real quick so I didn't see it. I'm actually phobic when it comes to grasshoppers... it's bad & a bit embarassing to admit but so true.

Thanks for the warning though in the writing before the pic. I would have flipped out if it was just suddenly "there".

Anyway lmao wanted to comment so you knew I was here and not just lurking and now I made myself look like a total dork...

everyone is free to point a finger and laugh.


Schadeboy said...

Just so long as he's not squeezing when he's got a creeping thing in his hand.

All four of my children are fascinated by bugs and small crawling animals. It bothers me to some degree because they end up bringing the critters into the house. I hate the idea of a horned toad (which isn't a toad, but a lizard) running around in my house.

Happy HNT!

Amy said...

Awww, that's too cute! Happy HNT!

T - Another Geek Girl said...

They look so small. And he brought you good luck too!

What a great pic miss lime. He is just precious.


Amber said...

That is so sweet, I have to go squeeze my son's hand right away. It is amazing how we take having hands for granted. Being able to touch, feel, hold things and other hands. What a sweet thought. I wouldn't be commenting on your blog right now without hands...I will be thankfull for my apendages today.

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant photo and HNT x

DaMasta said...

Aww I can't see pics hosted by flikr, but happy hnt to you, Limerz! :)

~Tim said...

way cool!

BKS said...

Very nice post on limelet#3. He seems to have a compassion where most kids would be stomping or smushing haha


Anonymous said...

aww, that's cute! glad to hear the little critter was left to see another day.:)..the bug that is.LOL

Jericho said...

as always, your creativity is so cool... the limelets are lucky

nice photo of the grasshopper, too


Fred said...

Happy HNT to you, too, Lime!

Anonymous said...

excellent shot, and that's pretty cool how he can catch & not injure those bugs. I love the 'three squeezes' idea... that'd be a great way to communicate in public without embarrassing the poor creatures if any of their friends were around ;) (my oldest kidlet - at 13 or so - used to duck & hide in the car, just because he was embarrassed for friends to see him being driven around by mommy, haha).

happy hnt! (a bit late by now)


The Melody Censor said...

This is the perfect post!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm late, I'm late.. I know, I was out of my office Thu-Fri and didn't get a chance to visit. Just wanted to say hi and what a wonderful HNT!

BTW, hope you don't mind but I linked you over at place.


EmBee said...

Yeah, but can he rip the back legs off of it and feed it to a turtle? That's what my daughter did just last week... The legs get ripped off so it won't jump out of the tank. Obviously she NEVER played with a Barbie in her entire 13 yrs.