Thursday, August 09, 2007

HNT-Half Nekkid Walls

This is the ghastly wallpaper that covered the walls of my daughter's room. Hideous isn't it?

This is me trying to strip the horror from the walls. I finally got the last of it off the walls at 10:00 PM Wednesday. Onto the spackling and'll understand if I don't make it around today, I hope.


* For the record...I did not choose this wallpaper in the first place. It came with the house. Tie dye fixation, notwithstanding, I tend to think I have better taste than this.


S said...

OK how many years have you lived there and that poor child has had to live with that paper?
Ack ack ack!
I think the crusty ship pattern attributes to much of her teen angst, dont you?


G-Man said...

Michelle, your hand is soooooooo HOT!!! xoxoxox

morgetron said...

Hey HHNT! But also, congrats on the haiku contest. I'm praying you're afraid of Missy so that you won't wanna give her your address so I can get candy and other fabulous prizes. Just kidding. Congrats, congrats, congrats.


Julie said...

That's like old 70's kitchen wallpaper!!! Happy HNT!!

Moosekahl said...

you need a piranha, Diff and a big ass scraper! I helped Heather do her master bedroom in her new house. Isn't it fun?

Happy HNT

Jocelyn said...

There's got to be a stronger word than "ghastly."


I've stripped so much and so many layers of wallpaper that a mere glimpse of your photos made me all shuddery.

LushlyMe said...

Is she a pirate queen? Then it works.. HHNT!

lecram sinun said...

At your spackling best. BTW... it arrived! ;)

Not up at my regular blog but here

Cheers and Happy HNT!

Blissfully Wed said...

Good times. ;)


airplanejayne said...

aha! More proof of our kindredness...

I, too, am stripping!

-err, wallpaper that is.

In the old-office-slash-new-guest-room that is going to be painted two shades of mocha....

Where's the pole?!?! Wouldn't that make this stripping so much more fun!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Shoot - thought we'd see Lime in a tool belt for this HNT!!! ;)

Nice job!


Boysenberry said...

At first glance, I thought "that paper's not too bad..." but soon realised that there's no getting around it - it was ugly.

Happy HNT.

Lapis Ruber said...

Somebody must have liked it enough to put it up in the first place, but why? Looks like a good job well done. HHNT

Commander Zaius said...

It seemed OK to me but I have accepted the opinion from several sources that I have no taste.

SignGurl said...

It's even worse than I thought.

Hope you get everything done that you had hoped.


barman said...

So now what, tie-dye wall paper?

I know how big of a pain that job is. I stripped one wall of my kitchen that was done real, real wrong. I took with it the top layer of dry wall in places. I had so much work to fix. Now, well it is OK but what a load of work. Good luck with the res of the job.

Shari said...

I have wallpaper in the living room and kitchen that are kind of outdated. But I don't know anything about stripping.

The poor girl had to look at that wallpaper all this time? Poor thing. Just kidding. :)

Rurality said...

Well I don't think I'd have put it up in the first place but... I've seen worse!

snowelf said...

That is absolutely some of the ugliest wallpaper I have ever seen...
You're totally forgiven.


Polt said...

redecorating is supposed to fun, right?


James Goodman said...

Wow, that is definately scrape worthy. :D Happy HNT!

(M)ary said...

Awesome. Thanks for posting the picture!
Buh-bye slave ship wallpaper.

I have been painting this week too. Um...first I make sure I have music or a radio show which fits the mood, then I make sure that I have the appropriate drink: coffee in the AM, juice in the afternoon and beer or wine after dinner. Then, most importantly, I make sure that I nap in the middle of the project...
Needless to say I haven't gotten far!

Hope you are having "fun" or something close to enough to "fun"!

nope said...

Ugh.. no fun. It will all be worth it the end though hopefully :)


Bsoholic said...

That is some bad wallpaper! Congrats on getting rid of it. :D

Happy HNT

Charles said...

Who lived there before, some guy from Massachusetts blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other? Geesh, you find scrimshaw up in the attic? Was there rope around the house instead of a fence? Were the lights all hurricane lamps instead of sconces? Did anybody get rid of the harpoons? What about that ship's wheel mounted on the living room wall? Was the place a Long John Silver's restaurant before? How else can I say, "Yuck?"

Logophile said...

No wonder she sleeps so much.
That paper had been sucking her will to exist!

tkkerouac said...

She must have gone lulu with that busy paper, Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

ugh..removing wallpaper...glad you survived

Keyser Soze said...

Oh boy. This is embarrassing.
I LOVE that wallpaper! Boats!
The Sea! Shipping! Oh well.

~Tim said...

So how are you going to tie-dye the walls?


Cooper said...

El Barfo !!! Glad it's gone...

Grimstarr said...

You know? In reference to your last post, If I had to look at that paper, I'd stay in bed all day too. LOL HHNT love.

Crabby said...

Oh, honey. I will definitely understand if you don't make it around today. Hasn't been that long that I was doing that job. What painful bit of labor it is too. I keep swearing to NEVER buy another house with wallpaper.
When I took ours down in the hall bathroom the friggin ceiling fell on me. It was completely molded underneath. Apparently the tub had been leaking upstairs and we had no idea.
Hate wallpaper removeal. Hate it. hate it hate it. I'd bring you ice cream if you lived closer...with hot chocolate sauce.

Semi-Celibate Man said...

So, a limelet has been on the high seas for a while now. Ouch!

It's hard work getting rid of that horrible stuff! But, it will be so rewarding when you are done. Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

I liked the wall paper. I wonder what that says about my taste? Happy HNT and thanks for the boobies.

I think I'd better clarify that for your readers.

Naw, let them think the worst. It may make their week.

Anyway, Happy HNT!

Mona said...


That look like the horror story form the Rime of the Ancient Mariner!

That seems like one of my nightmares!

That seems like the fight scene from the Pirates of the Carribean!!

That seems absolutely VIOLENT!!

For Diana>>>>> Give up such Wild Dreams Lady!!! They are not good for Psychological health!

Back to Lime<<<< You did Well & you did Wise! Khudos to you!!

KFarmer said...

The things we do... how I hate stripping old wallpaper but I do so luv seeing a freshly painted or redone room. Gives one a sense of accomplishment does it not? Looking forward to seeing the end results :)

Anonymous said...

So you swinging with other tools will come next then? LoL

ttfootball said...

arent u wondering now if you threw off the balance of the room that made her sleep 14 hours in there?

Anonymous said...

No, it's not hideous. If that was in good condition, I'd love that wallpaper!

Rob said...

So then I take it you were NEKKID when you were stripping the wallpaper, Michelle -- but chose (out of modesty) to only reveal your hand for this HNT post?! ;-)

Perhaps you could cover yourself with paint and just writhe against the walls when it comes time to repaint the room -- and share the "before" and "after" versions of THAT experience with us for a future HNT! I mean the "before" and "after" of the room not of you, Limey! Unless, of course, you WANT to show us YOU! Hehehe...

Happy (VERY belated) HNT to you, Tie-dyed One!!!

Mark Leslie said...

Actually, I kind of like the ship wallpaper....