Last week I had fun at the Democrats' expense. This week the Republicans get their turn.

With his
Sanford and Son schtick, McCain makes light of Palin being one heartbeat away from the Presidency,
"Oooo... Its the Big One... You hear that Elizabeth... I'm comin' to you, I'm comin' home to Georgia!"

Meanwhile, Cindy McCain gets flustered when she tries to help John count how many houses they own.

Guiliani wonders, "What the hell is that smell? Did Palin drag a moose carcass in here?"

Thompson mutters under his breath, "I swear if they play the
Law and Order theme for a sound check one more time I am going to beat this guy with the microphone."
These are brilliant!
Is is November yet?
Ya know...
Cindy McCain AND that Sarah chick are both pretty HOT!
I bet Bill Clinton would turn Republican to shtoop either one of those babes...hehehe
LOL! I always enjoy your political posts Lime, they give me something to laugh at since I am not liking our choices of runners for president.
I was listening to the radio as I was driving the kids to school this morning and all they could talk about was how much dirt has been dug up on Sara Palin. I agree with the DJ's, I am glad I am not in politics because every mistake every made in my life and those around me would be drug out and used...not that I have anything bad in my past but still.
Thanks for the laugh!
omg! hilarious! your captions fit so well. i especially love the Guiliani one because he does look like he is smelling something foul. but then his face tends to have that expression often.
The chicks sure are chic!
Just one more reason to NOT go into politics -- the unflattering pics! OMG, the one of Guiliani is great, or gross, or greatly gross?
Fantastic post, Lime!
Zinging and zapping with laser precision as always.
For some reason I feel like doing a FISH cheer.
I didn't get the last one. Probably due to the intercontinental media-lag
Hey, no body complains when you get a bunch of homes in monopoly. They are just playing with a much bigger board. LOL
I like the Guiliani one.
Very good. Imagine what fun you could have had if they did not get off to such a slow start.
Oh I really think that getting pregnant and becoming a mom at 17 is the perfect Rebuplican way to be. Especially if you are unmarried, still in high school, and your boyfriend still rides a skateboard.....
Uh oh
What the hell is the matter with these people?
I love that Cindy...who has been instructed to just sit there, shut the hell up, and smile. She's doing a stellar job in her little sorbet colored updated Chanel suits and 60's trendy hairstyle which unfortunately does not hide her face lift scars...
ha haahahahahahahaa
Looking forward to your coverage of the Pain with McCain night!
I'm thinking Palin had some bad gas and he was trying to be polite!
Hey I had a dream about you last night. We were in Malaysia! We were dancing to calypso music. You had a scar on your right shoulder that I was asking you about and you said you are part of a tribe and it was branded onto you....WTF?????? Lime...I never knew that about!!!!!!! But we had fun anyway, it was a huge mansion that we were partying in...wooohooo...let the good times roll.
LOL... witty and brilliant as always.
Very good. A nice batch of giggles to start my afternoon. Thanks, Lime!
Politics is a complete joke, period.
I have been diggin John Stewart so much lately. He has been on top of his game slammin on both parties.
Have a great day Mrs. Lime :-)
Very cute, very cute!!! But she is just one heart beat away.......
Big night tonight. Palin is speaking. I'll be tuned in for that one.
I had to go back and reread your Democrat ones, too. You're so funny!
I can see it all now....Palin getting caught in the Lincoln bedroom...with CINDY we're talking juicy scandal....
Palin reminds me of the school teacher that you prayed all summer you would not be stuck with for a whole year...
Hilarious, Michelle! These people have left themselves wide open.
I'm having a birthday and put up one of my LONG posts. There's also a LONG playlist. I lumped you in to a couple of categories of people I dedicated songs to. No. Not Republicans and Democrats.
Very funny comments Lime. Hope you have been doing well. Its been a while since I entered the House of Lime but I see things seem to still be in order here:)
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Thanks to Trooper Thorn for sending me over here--hysterical. Believe me I need people to help me find the humor in this situation! mean there's an election going on over there...??? wtf...??? lol ;) xxx
That's a trip.
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