You may recall that back in October I received a 5 pound Hershey bar for my birthday. What you don't know is that I have not eaten a bite of it yet. You may find that hard to believe but it's true. I saved it because the gal pals who came to my party have a get together every February during which our entire menu consists of desserts. I promised to save the gigantic block of chocolate for this occasion. I will be making a couple of recipes with it, leaving some for the family, and who knows what with the remains (if there are any). I figured it was better to share this treasure, partly because shared fun is increased fun and partly because if I ate it all myself the 5 lbs of chocolate would turn into 10 lbs of belly, hips, and butt.
Before I start carving into this thing though I needed a few moments alone to savor it.
Before I start carving into this thing though I needed a few moments alone to savor it.
*If you haven't voted in yesterday's poll please take a moment to scroll down to the next post and do so. So far I only have 19 votes. I know more than 19 of you swing by here every day. Voting is open until 11 PM EST tomorrow.
That is the biggest chocolate bar I have ever seen! Have fun making wonderful desserts with it and remember to take pics of each dessert you make, I would like to see them.
Have a great day!
damn, if there was only another mirror in the shot i'd bet the silver reflective paper would have given us a glimpse of your heiney
I just now finished making those pretzels with the Hershey kisses and red M&M's for Valentine's Day. Bon Appetit, Lime!
Very cute pics and goodness me, I am glad that wasn't a 4 pound chocolate bar or it wouldn't have covered the girls!
Of course, after you eat a few bites....
What nice fun pictures Lime. Once I stopped laughing after reading what Susie said ... I think I have to second that. :)
A few years back I was at a party. That is the first place I ever saw a chocolate bar that large. It was insane. It was wonderful.
Enjoy your desert!
Oh my, what a big choccie bar you have. Great pic. you saucy girl.
(Recalling the line from Jurassic Park re the huge pile of triceratops dung). . .
That's a lot of chocolate. . .
But, uh, just barely enough. . . ;)
Can I come to dinner?
Gah. I love MY WIFE, but you tempt me endlessly, you vixen! Not enough to have you standing there half-naked. No. Now you throw a gigantic bar of chocolate into the mix. And you're... biting it... with those lips... I...
Dang! That is a lot of chocolate!
I just had a small H. almond bar last nite...yummy!
I'm sure the girls will love your desserts...I'm jealous...I want to come and try them! :)
my grandmother used to buy me Hershey bars when I was a kid...great memories!
p.s. I voted!
Hmmm, I thought diamonds was.. but then again, I'm a man, so I say (about the pics): Candy for the eye ;-)
Btw: I thought I voted yesterday, but I'll go and check!
I don't care much for chocolate. Guess it's a girl thing.
YUMMY Chocolate!!! I've never seen a bar that big! :)
Now that is a dangerous amount of chocolate. I mean, you could snuggle up next to that and be happy for a long long time.
wow I have never in my life seen anything that big
well not made of chocolate
btw do you get cadbury's over there? we do get herschey but most people aren't big fans, american chocolate tastes funny to us
I want it.
That is one big hunk of chocolate!
I don't know if I could get that close and then NOT eat it. You truly are amazing!
Chocolate and Lime would be a delicious taste treat.....
ooooooo I could bring strawberries to dip!
Yummy! And chocolate too!
Chocolate & lime would make a great pair! :)
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