Thanks to all who sent prayers, positive thoughts, or encouragement to Gman yesterday. the surgeons gave him a reprieve since he is responding to antibiotics. He will have surgery in a few weeks but he'll be more mentally prepared for it, will feel stronger, and it WON'T be on his birthday.
Good news all around!
Diana also has a birthday this week. This strong-willed child of mine will be another year older and is soon to finish her first semester of college.
About a month ago already Diana did her Christmas shopping. She called me one day very excited to report what she had chosen for everyone. I was impressed at the thoughtfulness, creativity, and bargain hunting she had displayed. Her excitement brought back memories of my first Christmas in college and how delighted I was to be able to give gifts I had chosen and paid for by myself.
She also asked for help with an idea for my brother. He has been published in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine twice and recently sold them a third story, which is a count all by itself. I suggested since Diana enjoys writing poetry she ought to share some of her work with him. She was unnerved by the idea because she very much looks up to him in a literary manner and was afraid he'd find her efforts sophomoric at best. I assured her he'd be honored to receive such a gift and reminded her he knows what rejection letters feel like and would be gentle with her, though she really wouldn't need charity, she agreed and asked me to help polish one of her pieces for him.
I'm not sure she realizes what a gift it was that she'd also trust me to help her go through that process. In the past, when she asked me to edit papers for school, it was not always a pleasant exchange of ideas. This was a sweet give and take as we worked together on a gift for my brother. As you know from an earlier post, I don't take for granted that he's even a part of my life.
Earlier this week, Diana and I exchanged a series of text messages wherein she made one final request for Christmas. She told me her dad and I are not to get her any presents because our gift to her is sending her to college. Excuse me, I seem to have a lump in my throat.
So this week I am counting a daughter who is not only having a birthday this week and thus advancing chronologically, but a daughter who is really growing up in some lovely ways.
Well, a Very Happy Birthday to Diana!
And I have posted the birthday greeting to G-Man on my sidebar. Great news there. Prayer works!
That gave me a big lump in my throat too. Wow. What a young lady you have. :)
"I'm not sure she realizes what a gift it was that she'd also trust me to help her go through that process."
This made me smile the most through this post. Happy Birthday to your girl. :)
interestingly enough.. the word verification is wings..
Ain't it great when you see them start to 'get it'?
Happy Birthday to yer firstborn!
Dang I got my very own lump in my throat and real tears.
They are growing up TOOOOOOO fast.
happy birthday to your girl, your post gave me a warm smile at thoughts of my own boys and happy bday to gman of course...
my 55 is up!
Now I have a lump in my throat. And I believe it's my response to the "sweet give and take" that occurs when a child is growing up. You and your Diana are blessed by that "sweet give and take". I believe your gift idea for your brother is brilliant. Just watch his throat swell with the lump, and maybe even his eyes well, come Christmas morning.
The writing gene runs in your family. Your blog is a gift.
Thanks for the update on SeƱor G.
It sounds like this year's Christmas celebration is going to be especially thrilling for Diana. ...And also for you, the proud mom. :-)
Birthday greetings to your lovely child/ or should I say woman!
You are both so lucky to have a talented, loving daughter. That in itself is a Gift! :)
Yay! I'm all for not having surgery on your birthday :D
I'll have you know that the lump-in-the-throatitist is spreading... I got one reading your lovely count.
The most frustrating And rewarding creatures on Earth...Children!!
As for you...You and your beautiful support cast has made me feel terrific and well prayed for,
Thank You for being my friend Michelle, you are one of Lifes Treasures...Galen
The Goofy Galore post had me laughing quite loudly.
Watching D2 and D1 grow up in college has been quite a treat, too. For the most part, I think they're making all the right decisions, and it's a joy to watch and help them become young adults.
Awwww...your gift to her is sending her to college, and she really appreciates it!! So lovely, Mom you did something right with this girl!
Wow, and that text from your daughter is wuite a gift, too.
Oh holy mother jeebus gawd. I'm in my office, eating black bean soup, reading a string of these "dammit, but people are good" posts of yours. These are better than the biscuit I'm dipping into my soup, and that's saying something.
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