...how a microscopic thing that looks like a fuzzy ball...

...can make me feel like I've been hit by one of these multi-ton things?

I haven't slept in 2 days and my head feels like it's full of a truck full of snot. Please excuse me while I go crawl under a rock and contemplate dying.
Hey! it is really cute isn't it?
Jeez, if your germs look like THAT, no wonder you want to crawl under a rock! Hope you feel better soon!
OH NO! Feel better soon, Lime.
Hope you kick it soon. I was just thinking this morning how I've made it this far this season and not yet been sick. I didn't knock on any wood, but I probably should have.
No joke. Just best wishes for a full and speedy recovery from whatever it is you've got!
Hope you feel better.
Awww, that is a yucky feeling. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Lime. Stay away from Mack trucks though, okay?
Happy I got an H1N1 shot and I am a hermit so I dont get germs.
Feel better soon.
Hey, I think one of my kids lost a ball that looks like that. . .
Alas, I know that head-full-o-snot feeling all too well. . .
Seriously, tho - get well. Get your rest (Blog-space will live without you for a day or two). . .
Take good care of yourself. I will be thinking about you.
Feel better sooner!
Poor you. I hope you feel much better very soon.
Ugh. No, thanks. Get well soon.
There's a GI bug going around here that I'm fervently praying does not come to visit.
Multi-ton is right, like 40 ton with a maxed out legal load. I never drove a Mack that I liked, give me a Kenworth any day.
awww, it looks like somthing from Fraggle Rock.
How can something so disgusting look so pretty-a knitted germ, ugh! Do make a fuss of yourself and let the rest of the world go hang.
(Bringing Michelle some Home-Made Chicken soup)
Here ya go Dearie....
Sorry you are down. Take the full count to recover. It's nasty. So far I've been lucky. I suppose (my present) anti-social behavior does have it's perks.
Be well soon, my friend.
ack. hope you feel better...
well, that sure stinks, heal well and soon my friend
My oh my you sure are sick!! Hope your stuffy head feels better. too bad they took all the good cold medicine away in the USA. Hope you are well soon my friend! Big Hug!
Aw, I'm sorry you're feeling so lousy. Would it help if I drink a beer for you? No? Hmm. Well, I'm going to do it anyway. Because I'm a giving sort of person.
O Dear, not the migrane again
Get well soon Lime
I think that this is cool. SPIRITS PROJECTS
Hey, there's Mona, I haven't seen her around for some time, nice to see that she is still kicking.
Glad to know you are feeling a bit better. After a great weekend scrapbooking I think I am coming down with something. Ear hurts, sore throat, and a little stuffy. Ick!
That thing looks all warm and fuzzy and non-threatening. Who knew? Hope you get some good rest and drink plenty of liquids. Flush the little buggers out and get better.
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