Flowers look up in expectation
waiting for the water to flow,
so they may drink deeply.
The girl enters the garden
bearing a greater burden than just water.
She stoops
and lowers the vessel
gently tipping it.
Tears flow with the fresh water.
She rests among the roses.
She rises
with her own soul quenched.

I think it's fairly evident that my main count is the time away I enjoyed so I won't repeat that. I mentioned yesterday that there are sick people around here. Diana has been puking for 3 days. I don't know about you but I sort of loose my sense of humor when I spend that much time horking. To Diana's credit she hasn't lost that entirely....ok, well, maybe it's just me finding the humor in her situation and her comments about it.
Yesterday during her third day home she peered up from her position on the couch and implored me to teach her something. "I want to go to school. My brain is devolving. I need you to put something new into it." I obliged her by explaining the concept of amortization and how insidious debt is. (I was paying bills when she asked. Can you tell?) You know the child was unwell because she hung on my every word and thanked me. (Most days, by her estimation, I am just barely intelligent enough to dress and feed myself.) I found this more than a bit surreal and entirely amusing.
Later in the day it was time to take her to the pediatrician's office so we could get the required doctor's note for readmittance to school. Upon settling into the waiting room we noticed the TV was playing health spots for parents. The topic of the current episode was diarrhea. She informed me this was not helping her queasy stomach in the least. When the phrase "explosive, watery stools" was used she threw up her hands in despair before plugging in the iPod to drown it all out. I snickered even as I rubbed her back empathetically.
The lady at the office Diana refers to as "dirty nurse" called us back. Dirty nurse usually has stringy, greasy hair and a runny nose which she sniffles back every few seconds. She also doesn't listen very well when you answer her questions. Diana was irritated to have to deal with her. When we reached the exam room Diana snarled about Dirty Nurse's incompetence. "She's an idiot. Can I quiz her? Tell me a different biochemical process related to each system of the body. Locate each major internal organ. Explain basic practices to prevent cross infection." I stifled giggles.
Diana went on to say sitting in a Pooh Bear decorated room as a 17 year old was utterly beneath her. In her words the entire office was thick with "the stench of young people. The air here is heavy-laden with immaturity." By then I was guffawing and reaching for my notepad so I could write all this down to share with you lovely people out in blogland.
Ok, I tried to upload a video she insisted on taking later inthe evening when she felt perkier, but blogger is being horrid....so far I've waited an hour for a 2 minute video to upload. It's funny. If I can get it on youtube I'll add in it later.
Yesterday during her third day home she peered up from her position on the couch and implored me to teach her something. "I want to go to school. My brain is devolving. I need you to put something new into it." I obliged her by explaining the concept of amortization and how insidious debt is. (I was paying bills when she asked. Can you tell?) You know the child was unwell because she hung on my every word and thanked me. (Most days, by her estimation, I am just barely intelligent enough to dress and feed myself.) I found this more than a bit surreal and entirely amusing.
Later in the day it was time to take her to the pediatrician's office so we could get the required doctor's note for readmittance to school. Upon settling into the waiting room we noticed the TV was playing health spots for parents. The topic of the current episode was diarrhea. She informed me this was not helping her queasy stomach in the least. When the phrase "explosive, watery stools" was used she threw up her hands in despair before plugging in the iPod to drown it all out. I snickered even as I rubbed her back empathetically.
The lady at the office Diana refers to as "dirty nurse" called us back. Dirty nurse usually has stringy, greasy hair and a runny nose which she sniffles back every few seconds. She also doesn't listen very well when you answer her questions. Diana was irritated to have to deal with her. When we reached the exam room Diana snarled about Dirty Nurse's incompetence. "She's an idiot. Can I quiz her? Tell me a different biochemical process related to each system of the body. Locate each major internal organ. Explain basic practices to prevent cross infection." I stifled giggles.
Diana went on to say sitting in a Pooh Bear decorated room as a 17 year old was utterly beneath her. In her words the entire office was thick with "the stench of young people. The air here is heavy-laden with immaturity." By then I was guffawing and reaching for my notepad so I could write all this down to share with you lovely people out in blogland.
Ok, I tried to upload a video she insisted on taking later inthe evening when she felt perkier, but blogger is being horrid....so far I've waited an hour for a 2 minute video to upload. It's funny. If I can get it on youtube I'll add in it later.
Ah... those bliss treatments worked! Wonderful count! Thank you for the smile... it added to my own. Cheers!
Loved your 55 Trini...
Now about the story of the waiting room...When you said she threw up her hands, I thought you said Threw Up in her hands..Yuck!!!
Have a puke free week-end....G
Threw up in her hands:P
Oh man your daughter is hilarious.
looks like the Spa did it's work well. I miss my teenagers, now all grown up with grown up problems.
Can't imagine where the daughter unit gets her sense of observation and wit....
All of my kids are feeling as though they've outgrown the pediatrician. But they're going to have to stay there till they turn 21 cuz I'm too lazy to do doctor shopping again.
Hope no one else comes down with the stomach flu.
I could use a soul quenching... Diet soul quenching that is...
That is such a poetic 55ve again! You do them so well!
Diana's story is hilarious, although I am sorry for her illness.
Take Care!
She's a hoot! A horking hoot! (Great word - horking. I love it.)
LMAO!!!! Ok I SO needed this giggle! :) Poor Diana but how wonderful it must have been to have her in a semi-humorous mood!
My heart goes out to her for dealing with puking for 3 days though.... oy!
That's a weird transitional time in a teen's life - under 18 but really too old for a pediatrician.
Your 55 was amazing as usual. But the story about your daughter cracked me up!
I'd love to have been a fly on the wall if she'd gotten to quiz Dirty Nurse. That, I think, would have made my year.
Somehow, I knew your 55 would be about ROSES...ah, the smell...
OK, now make the Chicken soup dahling and get some of that Airborne fizzy stuff. Rest, relax and wash your hands.
Dr. Lulda will send you the bill!
Great 55 with an awesome "follow up" for Da Count!
I just LOVE your blog!
Got a lil' somthin' somethin' for you over at my place!
Grab it when you get a chance.
Great count. I knew where you where. I am overly sensitive to flowers these days since I finally decided to plant something in my beds. So I was right there with you.
First of all poor you. Not for what happened the last few days. Obviously Diana is not at the top of her game but when she is, wow. I know it is important to teach kids to be independent but ... well you will never have to worry about that with her. Obviously she is on the mends however with those oh so funny comments, at least they were to me. I hope she is back in her element soon for both of you.
I tried to post a simple post today. It was all of 9 sentences and 8 links to pictures (something like that anyway) and it took my 4 attempts before it would post. So yep, blogger has been mean to me today too. I hope you get that video out there. I am sure I will die laughing.
Have a great weekend. And yes I know I say it all the time but I really do mean it.
i like, g, thought you said she throw up in her hands..i had to re-read lol anyways, great 55. diana cracks me up w the things she says. reminds me of my son.
and what kind of dr's office is that to have a 'dirty' nurse? don't they want people to get BETTER?
I wish I could be that articulate when I feel sick! I resort to icky sounds like "uhhh", "ugh", "grrr".
And in Alaska...you don't need a concealed weapons permit.
Brilliant, you got me laughing for sure. Looks like Diana is well on her way in following your humorous footsteps. If she ever starts a blog, I'm sure she'll have quite a few fans. :)
Loved the 55 and Diana's a hoot!
Believe it or not I miss those days already with my daughter....Bless you for beng a great mommy!
Diana sounds like a formidable presence even when she's not at 100%.
I did a double take when I thought Diana was throwing up in her hands... slow down and READ Terry, sheesh! I don't miss the days of kids/illness/flu/gross bodily fluids etc... I have a hard enough time getting sick myself. Great dialog from the kid... and wonderful re-creation Michelle. You are quite adroit at your words and composition.
I know your bambinos can be sticky-wickets at times but my goodness, I bet you're never bored...
BTW, I adore you, your family and all the adventures along the way :)
Oh! I do hope Diana forgives me for laughing, I didn't realise what you have to do if your sick from school over there. A note from your parents covers it here.... BTW, great 55..
The fruit never falls far from the tree.
Horking for three days? That can't be fun.
Right now I am wondering just how many words we have to describe the act of vomiting and I 'm starting to get a little queesy.
you're a really good writer...!
you have a way of
capturing the essence of things.
maybe you could write a column
in a local paper, or something
like a women's magazine...
and it looks as if Diana has
inherited some of her mom's
edgy humour
and expressiveness
as well...
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