This is my guitar, Bella. I inherited her from my grandfather. There are a lot of good memories of him playing her to me when I was little. I always wanted to play but when the kids were small I never had time or money to really devote to lessons and learning. I took this picture after I had been taking lessons for about a year and a half and just shortly before I demolished my arm. That put a fairly abrupt halt to whatever tunes I was putting out.

It took a lot of months before I could even try to curl my hand around the neck. It didn't work very well at all. In fact, it was intensely painful after about 2 minutes and my hand went completely numb. Every 2 or 3 months I'd take her out of her case, get as far as tuning her, and try a few chords only to feel like there was a knife sticking right into the part of my wrist where the bones had once protruded...and then the numbness. Poor Bella would be returned to her case once more. If Andy is reading this I know he's going to be about ready to burst a vein in his head because he has sent me all sorts of ideas from trying open tuning to playing her like a slide guitar. He's been a great encouragement that way. I can't really explain why I continue to torment Bella and Janita the way I do. I have to admit, it defies logic.

A few weeks ago I tried again. I made it through about 15 minutes before the stabbing and the numbness started. I was pretty excited about that. I haven't been at all consistent about working with Bella but we've gotten together several times in the past few weeks. My form is terrible, the sound is not pretty, but Janita is tolerating it enough to try. Of course, after 3 years of no playing I have forgotten almost everything but it's a start. I had to relearn everything else from scratch too. And so Bella, Janita, and I slowly begin again...

It took a lot of months before I could even try to curl my hand around the neck. It didn't work very well at all. In fact, it was intensely painful after about 2 minutes and my hand went completely numb. Every 2 or 3 months I'd take her out of her case, get as far as tuning her, and try a few chords only to feel like there was a knife sticking right into the part of my wrist where the bones had once protruded...and then the numbness. Poor Bella would be returned to her case once more. If Andy is reading this I know he's going to be about ready to burst a vein in his head because he has sent me all sorts of ideas from trying open tuning to playing her like a slide guitar. He's been a great encouragement that way. I can't really explain why I continue to torment Bella and Janita the way I do. I have to admit, it defies logic.

A few weeks ago I tried again. I made it through about 15 minutes before the stabbing and the numbness started. I was pretty excited about that. I haven't been at all consistent about working with Bella but we've gotten together several times in the past few weeks. My form is terrible, the sound is not pretty, but Janita is tolerating it enough to try. Of course, after 3 years of no playing I have forgotten almost everything but it's a start. I had to relearn everything else from scratch too. And so Bella, Janita, and I slowly begin again...
I always loved that picture.
Classic beauties....
...But I wish it was a Ukelele!!
Sounds like a slow, rough road... but also encouraging. Keep pushing and you will get there. This is my first post here, but have been reading for a few days. Nice place to be.
Just enjoy the therapy darlin''ll get there!
I've always wanted to play and got a guitar for my birthday about 5 years ago.....ended up giving up because it was too hard to teach myself. I'll be jammin' with you in spirit, though!
That is one exceptonally beautiful guitar. The gal holding it ain't too shabby either. Just take your time and let the music do its healing. One chord one tune one moment of peace with yorself and your music.
It will all come together.
Heh heh heh forgot a 'u' and now I sound like a southerner.
i just laughed at myself, when i saw this post, my first thought being the guitarist, i thought, "whoa what a sweet guitar"
nevermind the hot naked lady in the pic
Those photos...sooo lovely!! LOVE the femininity that truly seems to burst forth in that top photo.
What a lovely gift you were given. I hope you one day are able to enjoy them as you want.
Breath taking~ absolutely breath taking! Carry on my dove... one day at a time :)
Yep that was always one of my favorite pictures of you it's greatness!
you make it sound like a lovely new adventure...
I was gonna say, just from what I can see from the photo, that looks to be a really fine guitar. And, as has been noted, the woman with it looks to be pretty fine, as well. But it's probably best if I refrain from commenting on that. . . ;)
So happy for you, that Janita is starting to be more cooperative. I know how much joy I get from playing my guitar (which is nowhere near as nice as yours), so here's hoping for you, that in the fullness of time, you'll get back everything you lost, and more besides. . .
gman, ukulele? you hoping i'll tiptoe thru the tulips?
ananda, nice to meet you, glad you stopped to say hello.
cheesy, you too hon ;)
cocotte, it ain't easy is it?
nyd, those are some really wise words, thanks
furiousball, i love the way musicians zero in on the guitar. bella is a beaut.
fadkog, thank you. i treasure it for sure
kfarmer, a day at a time is all we can do, eh?
trucker, ah yes, you were here way back when...
shadow, that is a good way of looking at it:)
desmond, i really do not feel worthy of this instrument in any way except because of who owned it before me.
How wonderful that you're getting back to Bella! :) I think it's amazing how far you're coming along and I admire your drive!
wonderful pics!
Love that pic of you and the guitar but the second one is also very nice.
If you want it, you can get, but to get it, you got to want it!
Fifteen minutes one month, 20 the next and soon you'll be giving concerts and you'll be a superstar.
Or something.
Of all the pictures that I have seen in almost 3 years, or pretty much ANYWHERE, that top picture and absolutely STRIKING to say the least. It says more than works can ever say. Have you ever thought about entering it into a photo contest???
Loved both of well as you.
HHNT Lime ;o)
Bella will be sweet company for Janita...
You have far more musical discipline than I could ever hope to have. Oh yeah, and the top picture sizzles.
All three of you have a road ahead to travel... but travel you must. Proud that you are all trying. :)
Ah yes good ole times with musical instruments grandparents had and played. My paternal grandmother had both a concertina (squeeze box..what she called it)and a zither (lap harp what she called it.)Many summer nights sitting listing to her play one or the other and sometimes both. Falling asleep while she played. Can you imagine our shock and dismay that while we were at her funeral someone broke into her house and took them? And imagine my ANGER when I found out they had been left to me in her will but now were gone!?! They were never found. Thanks for the memories
wow. fate really did a number on your arm...perhaps playing again will be good therapy.
when you can play a Telly Salvalas song (who loves you baby?), call me and i will come over and dance (-:
mssolitaire, thanks! you would be one who recognizes drive :)
s, true dat
jazz, lol, i don't think anyone truly talented has anything to fear from me.
jillie, no i haven't thought of that but thanks for the kind words.
moose, aww, thanks
beach bum, well thank...honestly, i struggle a great deal with the musical discipline...part of my problem.
lecram, your pride really means so much. *janita waves to jimmy
gab, oh what a terrible loss, i can truly understand your sadness and anger
mary, i have realized using my left hand to finger notes and chords is the most complex action demanded of my hand. who loves ya, baby!;)
That is the most beautiful picture of you.
Okay - you mentioned the numbness, but what about the finger numbness? Mine went completely numb via the fingertips - starting up after being off for a while sucks :( But YOU GO GIRL!!
I can just see you, rockin' with Green Day.
Next week: 16 minutes.
Fab photos...
Your courage, and perseverance are inspiring! Thank you for sharing so authentically...Your photography is fab, as well!!!! Beautiful picture of a woman with her guitar!!!! Captures the "love affair" completely! Congrats on POTD!
Well deserved POTD, Lime. An interesting story -- and gorgeous photos!
You seams to play well and have found the tune behind that guitar ;-)
What a beautiful name for your guitar and what wonderful history to have at your fingertips!
The picture of you with Janita is beautiful, Limey! I've had challenges since my elbow replacement. I know it's not the same thing as not being able to play your beautiful instrument without such agonizing pain, but I think I understand. I think we should both just keep on trying - new adventures are great fun, and you are still getting to spend some time with an old friend.
How in HELL did I miss this one originally?
You mention a guitar. Is there a guitar in that first photo? Oh, yes, I see it now, in the second photo. Let me scroll back up to the first one and look again.
Nope. Guitar? Are you sure?
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