It truly is a miraculous season and blog fodder in terms of weird gift ideas is flowing a cow on laxatives. Speaking of bovine scatology I have another bizarre stocking stuffer for all you shoppers looking for unique and memorable gifts to give.
This was plopped at my feet via an email from a friend. Today's gift idea is PooPooPaper.
It's paper made from animal poo. The site explains that several species of large, herbivorous mammals have very inefficient digestive systems so their poo is very heavy in fibrous material. Some might suggest anyone wanting to turn poo into paper might have shit for brains but apparently the inventors of PooPooPaper wanted to find an alternative, ecologically sound source for paper other that wood pulp. Maybe they have shit for brains, maybe that rationale is a steaming pile, but maybe...just maybe they have fertilized the seeds of genius which have blossomed into a sound business.
The site allows you to shop according to item type such as social stationery, greeting cards, photo albums, and other items. If you prefer you can shop according to which animal's excrement was used to produce the paper. My favorite part of the site is where they sell Poo-litical PooPooPaper. There you can find elephant poo and donkey dung derived papers all with appropriately scathing commentary on the respective parties represented.
After the assurances of odorless products and explanations of the process and rational I only wonder why they haven't begun to produce rolls of toilet paper.
Well, duh! I mean, toilet paper made from poop. . . who couldn't see THAT coming? . . .
Again I say no. No no no.
(back to my wine)
Ha! It might be that toilet paper needs to be more... eh, refined for comfort. Too funny!
Like a lot of this recycling 'crap' doesn't it cost more money and use more resources just to make this stuff odorless and germ free?
I'm off to drink wine with SAW. Yes indeedy.
Let's just hope they don't have paper eating kids like I do. Gross.
Just cut out the middleman, and women, and directly recycle politicians since they create the most poop.
Poo to wipe poo. Brilliant.
I wonder if they have a program where you can mail in your dog's poo and get paper in return. My dog Sir Poopalot would keep a small city supplied with paper for a year on just one week's output.(or should i say 'outpoo')
Hmmmm? I think I agree with your description of the person making this stuff - Dave
Umm...that is very gross.
Um, a gift for an enemy maybe? Because that's just kind of gross.
I'd rather use a banana peel.
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